Seven Palestinian teenagers were injured on Sunday when Israeli troops attacked a demonstration organized by the villagers of Bil’in located near the West Bank city of Ramallah, to protest the on-going Israeli attacks on the Gaza strip.

Iyad Burnat, from the Bil’in village committee against the Wall and settlements, told IMEMC that local school children and villagers marched to the site of the illegal wall constructed on Bil’in land, in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza who have suffered 98 deaths in Israeli attacks since Wednesday.

Troops manning the gate of the wall fired tear gas and rubber coated steel bullets at the protesters injuring seven boys.

Those injured were identified as; Mohamed Yassen 15, Mohamed Abu Rahmah, 14, Mohamed Hamad, 13, Abdulah Yassen, 15, Mo’tassem Mansour, 12, Hamzah Burnat 14, and Nafez Mansiour 14.

Burnat added, the soldiers threatened to invade the village on Sunday evening because they clamed that the protesters had destroyed part of the Wall.

The Israeli supreme court of Justice last year ruled that the site of the wall in Bil’in is illegal and ordered the army to move it from the current location, though they have yet to do so. In 2004 the International Court of Justice in The Hague recommended that the entire project of the Israeli wall is unlawful.