Author Mohammad Naffa’, secretary-general of the Israeli Communist Party stated on Sunday that what the Israeli army is doing against the Palestinians is considered a war of extermination against and that the Israeli claims that this offensive is to stop the firing of homemade shells at Sderot are false  are forgery of truth. Naffa’ added that the Israeli occupation is responsible for these crimes, the siege, settlements and the Annexation Wall, and that these crimes cannot break the steadfastness of the Palestinians and their determination to achieve their legitimate rights of liberation and independence. He also stated that the Communist Party always called for a full Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories in order to achieve real peace. The latest Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip started on Wednesday and at least 110 Palestinians, including 40 children, were killed. 10 of the residents were killed on Sunday in the Gaza Strip and one in the West Bank. Thousands of Palestinians took off to the streets in several parts of the West Bank and held massive protest in support to the residents of the Gaza Strip. The protesters chanted against the Israeli occupation and the ongoing crimes carried by the army, and called on President Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyya of Hamas to unite and end the Fateh-Hamas conflict in order to counter the ongoing Israeli aggression. Several resistance factions in the Gaza Strip fired homemade shells at the Israeli Negev town of Sderot, Kfar Azza settlement, and several Israeli settlements adjacent to the Gaza Strip. The resistance also detonated explosive charges under several armored vehicles invading the Gaza Strip and exchange fire with the invading forces.