The Christian National Assembly organized a candle procession in Jabal Al Zeitoon in Jerusalem on Monday at night in protest to the Israeli assaults against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.Several members and supporters of the assembly and several representatives on International organizations participated in the procession.

Dmitri Diliani, head of the assembly, delivered a speech during the protest and slammed the Israeli military attacks against the Palestinian people, describing these assaults as war crimes, and called for prosecuting the military commanders responsible for these attacks.

He added that statements of different Israeli officials show racism and hatred against the Palestinians, and said that the crimes carried by the military reflect mechanisms of hatred and racism against the Palestinian people.

Diliani added that the international community must intervene to stop it and those responsible are held accountable, and that “nobody should allow any new holocaust”. He also commented on the statements of Israeli Member of Knesset, Yisrael Katz, who demanded that the army should air strike Gaza “the same way as the Russian Army shelled Grozny”.

Furthermore, Diliani also commented on the statements of Israeli member of Knesset, Uri Ariel, who defended the position of an extremist settler who killed a Palestinian school student near the West Bank city of Ramallah.

 “When such characters rule in Israel, nobody should wonder why the cycle of violence is expanded”, Diliani said, “Nobody should wonder why peace talks are stopped and why the situation is becoming worse”.

He added that the Israeli crimes are ongoing in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem, and that these crimes target every Palestinians regardless of political affiliation or religion, and said that “if you are a Palestinian, then you are a target for the Israeli occupation”.

Dr. Keith Wasong, representing international institutions that participated in the procession, slammed the crimes in the Gaza Strip and said that Israel cannot keep claiming to be a democratic state while it is killing Palestinian children.

He added that the blood of the Palestinian children will remain “as a stain of disgrace on the forehead of Israel”.