Dozens of residents, families of Jerusalem residents imprisoned by Israel, held a protest on Wednesday in front of the Red Cross in the city demanding an immediate probe into the death of detainee Fadil shaheen who died recently in Be’er Shiva Israeli prison. Shaheen was seriously ill and died of medical negligence, an issue which hundreds of detainees are suffering from especially since some of them have serious health issues such as cancer, heart diseases, kidney failure and other health issues that need immediate and adequate medical attention.

Father of detainee Abu Ammar Gheith, spokesperson of the Parents of Detainees Committee, stated that the Red Cross vowed to probe the death of Shaheen, and demanded the Red Cross to pressure Israel to allow visitations to second degree relatives.

Mother of detainee Mohammad Odeh said that she has been barred from visiting her son since three months and that she was not informed of the reasons.

She added that she used to go to Nafha prison, where her son is imprisoned, and every time soldiers told her that she is barred from visiting her son. Odeh is sentenced to nine life-terms and 10 years.

Mother of detainee Wissam Al Abbasy said that soldiers also delay the entry of the families into the facility and conduct extended searches and procedures. Al Abbasy is sentenced to 26 consecutive life-term and 40 years.

The mother of detainee Ismail Affana appealed the Red Cross and several human rights groups to intervene in order to end the solitary confinement of her son especially since he has been confined to solitary since two years in Be’er Shiva Prison and now he is in solitary confinement in Nafha prison.

The wife of detainee Abdul-Aziz Omar, who is sentenced to four life-terms, appealed the Red Cross to practice pressure on the prison authorities to allow his family to visit him without the glass barrier, especially since Omar has eight children and cannot be in direct body contact with them due to the barriers in the visitation room.

The mother of detainee Na’el Al Jallad stated that the administration in Be’er Shiva prison does not allow the families to bring clothes to their detained family members and that if the families arrive to the facility without the birth certificate of their children, the children would not be allowed in.

Meanwhile, the sister of detainee Fuad Al Razim demanded the Palestinian negotiators to hold serious talks with Israel for the release of all Palestinians detainees, especially the sick and the detainees who have been imprisoned since long periods.

Wife of detainee Ismail Jom’a complained of the bad treatment against the families of the detainees and added that her detained husband is hospitalized in Al Ramla prison hospital since 13 years.  

Mother of detainee Malik Bkeirat stated that prison administration violates the rights of the detainees and their families and treat them in an inhuman way.

Nearly 11000 Palestinians are imprisoned by Israel, among them hundreds of children and women. Hundreds of detainees suffer serious health issues and need immediate medical attention.

194 detainees died of medical negligence and torture in Israeli prisons since 1967.