Sami Abu Zuhri, media spokesperson of Hamas affirmed on Thursday that the statements of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas over the withdrawing of the PLO delegation from Yemen contradict with the efforts to achieve reconciliation. Abu Zuhri added that Abbas is avoiding talks with Hamas, the Yemen managed to bring the two rivals [Fateh and Hams movements ] for talks. He stated that ‘President Abbas is not serious and does not wish the Yemeni initiative any success.’

He added that ‘the president’s statements over the atmosphere of the meetings held in Yemen do not reflect the reality of what had happened there.

Yemeni officials had affirmed that both sides [Fatteh and Hamas] welcomed the initiative which is considered as paving the way for a direct meetings between the two delegations over the initiative.

He clarified that President Abbas’s accusations to Hamas movement of aborting the Yemeni efforts are not correct and contradict with the movement’s statements and statements of Yemeni officials over accepting the initiative.

Abu Zuhri had revealed that a bilateral meeting was held between Fatah and Hamas movements and was attended by the Yemeni president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, during which a document of understanding was presented on both sides approved to continue disusing it next week.

He stated that Abbas’s decision to recall Fateh delegates who were holding talks with Hamas in Yemen contradicts with the positive atmosphere of the talk especially since the delegates agreed on an understanding document on Thursday and agreed to hold further talks.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had stated earlier on Thursday that the PLO delegation will return from Yemen due to Hamas’s preservations and preconditions over the initiative which blew its basis indicating that the delegation is ready to return to Yemen should Hamas take a clear stance and accept the initiative as it is without preservations.