Scores of residents of Bil’in, a village near the central West Bank city of Ramallah, took to the streets on Friday to conduct their weekly nonviolent protest against the the Israeli Annexation Wall and illegal confiscation of the villager's land.

The Bil'in protesters were joined by many international and Israeli peace activists.  Israeli troops manning the wall and its gate that cuts off the villagers from their orchards, showered the protesters with tear gas and rubber-coated steel bullets immediately after the protesters reached the military blockade.

Local sources reported that a number of residents, including a paramedic, suffered from teargas inhalation.  During the protest the villagers and their supporters held banners calling for the Israeli government to reverse its decision to use lethal force against unarmed protesters.

Israeli media sources reported on Wednesday that the Israeli government has given new orders to the military, allowing troops to use live rounds against the unarmed protesters near the illegal wall surrounding the city of Jerusalem.

These new orders explicitly authorize the soldiers to use lethal force, referring to the use of live rounds, while prohibiting the use of lethal force against protests including Israeli and international peace activists.