The leftist Israel Member of Parliament, Yusi Belin, urged Sunday the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, to comply with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s call for freezing the Israeli settlement activities and advancing the peace process.
In a statement to press, Belin was quoted as saying ‘ Olmert should realize that allowing 20 armored vehicles in the Palestinian territories is not a part of a genuine dialogue’.

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas told an Arab summit meeting yesterday that ‘negotiation with Israel can not continue as Israel ever freezes settlement activities’.

The Israeli settlement activities have ever been an impediment to peace-making between the Palestinians and Israelis. Any new settlement will derogate Palestinians’ right to 1967 borders, including the east Jerusalem, which Palestinians want as their future capital.

Yusi Belin had some years ago passed jointly with Abbas a memo of understanding called then Abbas-Belin understanding.

In November of last year, Washington revived the stalled Palestinian-Israeli peace process on basis of a two-state solution by the end of 2008. Some analysts believe that such a target seems to be far from reaching because of continued Israeli unilateral actions.