The Israeli High Court of Justice decided on Tuesday to temporarily freeze an order which authorized the Israeli army to confiscate the belongings of two charitable societies in the southern West Bank city of Hebron. The Court’s decision came after the army decided to confiscate all the belongings of the Young Men Muslim Association and the Islamic Charitable society. The new court decision freezes the order for several days.

Abdul-Karim Farraj, media councilor of the society, reported that the court gave a period of four days until it responds to a petition filed by the two charities.

Farraj added that the two societies have a good case at the court but they need real support from the Palestinian Authority, the Arab World and the International Community.

Last February, the Israeli Army Chief Commander in the West Bank issued orders to confiscate the belongings of the two societies in addition to issuing search orders against facilities run by the two societies including schools, shops, stores and houses.

If the court rejects the petitions, nearly 7000 school children, 4000 orphans, 5000 poor families and 800 employees will be affected, especially the orphans who will not have a place to stay.