The ruling Hamas party in Gaza slammed on Thursday what it termed ‘ignorance’ by the international community of Gaza conditions, calling on all concerned parties to take their responsibilities towards such conditions.
In a statement, faxed to press by the Hamas’s spokesmna, Fawzi Barhoum, ‘ the repeated Arab failures to take a decisive action to the best of lifting the Israel-enforced siege, are unjustified, in a time the United States has been working on undermining the democratic processs of the Palestinian people and perpetuating the siege’

‘ there should be an overall assesment of the Arab and inrternational positions with respect to the American-Israeli practices against the Palestinian people’, Barhoum stated.

He also said that the running out of fuel, medicine and medical equipment, has increasingly become devastating to households, schools, industrial facilites and hospitals.

The Hamas official warned as well of the continuation of such policy against the Gaza’s 1.5 million residents, appealing to all human rights organisations worldwide to uncover the reality in Gaza and calling upon all Arab and Islamic nations to outcry against closure of Gaza, in place since last June.

Barhoum called on the nearby Egypt to allow all foreign activitis and representatives of international institutions to enter the coastal territory, in a time Israel restricts movement of such bodies through Isael-controlled crossings.

All Gaza’s crossings, including the Rafah terminal on Gaza-Egypt border lines, have been closed since June of last year, after the democrtitically-elected Islamist Hamas party wrestled complete control over the Gaza Strip amidts a power struggle with the secular Fatah party.