In the first initiative of its kind, a "Study in Europe" Open Day was held today at Al Quds University in Abu Dis. Some 200 students attended the event, which was co-hosted by the European Commission and four European Member States, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Denmark.Dr. Sari Nusseibeh, the President of Al Quds University, opened the event, followed by Mr. John Kjaer, the European Commission Representative in Jerusalem, and the British Consul General, H.E. Richard Makepeace. Mr. Kjaer encouraged the students to take full advantage of the possibilities on offer, saying that "the experiences that you get as a student overseas will stay with you forever." He added that "by going overseas as young Palestinians, you not only contribute to your personal development, but you become ambassadors for a future Palestinian state."

The opening remarks were followed by three presentations, outlining a number of scholarship and educational opportunities in Europe. Ms. Judith Johannes, the education Attaché at the European Commission office in Jerusalem, gave details of two Europe-wide scholarships, Erasmus Mundus and the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window. Mr. Mahmoud Nazzal, from the British Council, gave a detailed presentation on the options for studying in the United Kingdom, and Ms. Evelyne Muhareb, on behalf of DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service, also outlined the possibilities for studying in Germany.

These presentations were followed by a panel of six Palestinians having already studied in Europe, who all shared their personal experiences. Their testimonies were very positive and all six presenters encouraged the students from Al Quds to follow in their footsteps, stressing how enriching the experience of living and studying in Europe had been for them. Dr. Suhail Abushosha, who studied urban planning in France, told the Al Quds students that "you should go and study in Europe – but more importantly, you should come back and share your experience with your fellow Palestinians."

After the formal presentations, students were invited to talk to officials and diplomats from the UK, Germany, France and Denmark and the European Commission, who hosted information stands. Many students expressed the hope that they too could apply for scholarships to study in Europe and were happy to have the opportunity to find out more about the possibilities.

Three more "Study in Europe Days" will be held in the coming weeks, in Nablus, Hebron and Bethlehem. For more details on the upcoming "Study in Europe Days", please visit the European Commission Technical Assistance Office website:

For further information, contact: Ms. Haifa Siam,; 02 541 5888.

Alix de Mauny

Press and Information Manager

European Commission Technical Assistance Office for the West Bank and Gaza Strip

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