Palestinian sources reported on Saturday that the body of a 16-year old Palestinian child was found two days ago in Kibbutz Hatzarim area, in the southern Hebron Hills. The leg of the child was amputated, and the child bled to death, after an explosive left by the army detonated near him as he was herding sheep in the area.!– @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } –>The body of the child was moved to a forensic center in an attempt to reveal further info regarding his death.

Three weeks ago, two Arab residents of the Negev were wounded, one seriously, after an explosive went of near them as they were herding sheep near an Israeli military base.

In March 2006, another two Arab residents of the Negev were killed when an Israeli missile detonated near them as they were herding their sheep close to an Israeli military training base.


In September 2004, two more Arab residents were killed when an Israeli missile detonated near them in an area close to a military training base.