During a pre dawn attack targeting Qabtiya town located near the northern West Bank city of Jenin, Israeli troops killed two Palestinian resistance fighters on Thursday.

Local sources in Qabtiya said that Israeli troops and a bulldozer invaded the town then surrounded an under-construction house there, two fighter of Al Qudes brigades where inside.

Clashes between the Israeli soldiers and the fighters took place for several hours, the clashes ended when troops used explosives to attack the house killing the two fighters inside.

Medical sources identified the two resistance men as Bilal Ikmeal, 26, and Iz-al Deen Iwedat, 19. Ikmeal is the leader of the Al Qudes brigades in the northern part of the West Bank, sources at the Islamic Jihad said.

Ikmeal’s family reported that the army tired to assassinate him several time before, most recent was a week ago when a group of under cover Israeli soldiers opened fire at his car near Jenin city, he escaped that attack unharmed.

The family added that several days ago Israeli troops attacked the family home and searched, before leaving soldiers told the family that if Ikmeal do not tern him self in to the army, the army will kill him.