A group of Palestinian, Israeli, and international peace activists, who are committed to nonviolence struggle against the Israeli annexation wall, settlements and military roadblocks, reclaimed an evacuated Israeli army post near the central West Bank city of Ramallah on Thursday.The post is located at the main road that connects the village of Ein-Qinyah with the nearby city of Ramallah. Several years ago the army installed a checkpoint and a military post there separating the village from Ramallah.

The land on which the military post is located is privately owned by farmers form the village of Ein-Qinyah.

Today, the nonviolent activists came and open the road then took over the military post. The army evacuated this military post two months ago, and then settlers came and installed caravans in it in preparation to take over the land and establish a settlement.

Abdullah Abu Rahmah, of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in the nearby village of Bil'in, one of the organizers of the event, told IMEMC that as soon as the army knew about their presence there they opened fire.

"we came in early morning hours, the army spotted us after we removed the roadblock and took over the military post, they attacked us with live rounds, we hid but a car that belongs to Reuters news Agency was hit with live rounds and sustained damage."

No injuries were reported so far, however eyewitnesses told IMEMC that the settlers from a nearby settlement who wanted to annex the land after the army left , came to the area with their guns, the army started deploying bringing more enforcements, witnesses added.

"The army is bringing more troops, they will obviously attacks us in any minute and force us out, settlers are here with their guns, and they also have cameras and are taking photos of us." Abu Rahmah told IMEMC.

The reason given by the organizers of the action today is to tell the army that this land belongs to Palestinian farmers and they will never leave it for the Israeli settlers.

“we are doing this action to send a message to the Israeli army and the settlers, this land is ours and will never leave it." Abu Rahmah concluded.

Several hours later Israeli troops and Settlers attacked the peace activist with rifle-buts and batons, two activists, Netta Golan, of the International Solidarity movement, and Adeeb Abu Rahmah, from Bil'in village were kidnapped by the Israeli soldiers and taken to a nearby Israeli settlement.

Troops forced the protester out then closed the road again and controlled the military post.