Israeli Military Intelligence Chief, Amos Yadlin, stated on Tuesday that Palestinian armed groups areinterested in carrying a large-scale attack ahead of the Israeli celebrations of the 60th anniversary of independence. He added that this attack might be carried out at the Gaza-Israel border similar to a recent failed attack at the Kerem Shalom Crossing which was attempted before the Jewish Passover feast, Israeli online daily, Haaretz, reported.

 Haaretz also said that Yadlin warned that Hamas is planning another border breach in an attempt to break the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip; therefore, he added that he believes that Hamas will focus on attacks against the Israeli border.

 Yadlin said that Hamas “would prefer a popular uprising”, similar to January events when thousands of Palestinians flocked across the border towards Egypt after Hamas fighters blew a hole in the border wall.

Yadlin added that if this uprising does not occur, then Hamas will try to carry a military operation in order to breach the border.

Haaretz also quoted Yadlin saying that Hamas might also try to kidnap Israelis and might place snipers across the border in addition to placing explosive devices in the area.

Yadlin believes that the political leaders of Hamas are losing some of their power over the leaders of the movements’ armed wing.

 He said that so far Gaza is under the control of the political leadership of Hamas, but hinted that political leaders of Hamas are now weaker and cannot initiate any political initiatives.

The military intelligence chief said that nowadays, “Hamas is using three expressions; peace deal, truce (Hodna) and calm”, but right now, he added, the chances of peace are null and “do not exist in Hamas’ terminology”.

Hamas said that it is interested in 5 – 10 years of calm and is willing to hold talks on this issue. Yadlin stated that the movement demands that in exchange a full Israeli withdrawal from all of the occupied territories since 1967, dividing Jerusalem and achieving the Palestinian refugees Right of Return.

Israel officially rejects any talks on Jerusalem and the Right of Return.