Lawyer Bothaina Doqmaq of the Mandela Institute which defends Palestinian detainees imprisoned by Israel, managed to visit on Thursday several detainees imprison in Ayalon Israeli prison who told her about the harsh treatment they face , in addition to medical negligence and bad food.Doqmaq stated that there are 100 detainees in section 18 of the prison, including 11 from Jerusalem and five from the Gaza Strip.

Detainee Kamal Abu Shanab, representative of the detainees in section 18 stated that the detainees are facing several issues including medical negligence and bad food.

He added that they cannot receive canned food unless needed and that if they receive any canned food they should open it immediately in front of the prison administration in order to return the cans to them.

Several representatives of the detainees met with the prison warden and agreed that the detainees would return the empty cans three hours after receiving them.

Abu Shanab added that there are several detainees who are sick and need immediate medical attention and treatment. Some of the sick detainees were identified as Mahmoud Al Sweity, Othman Abu Mo’ammar, Ayman Al Shareef, and Dia’ Matar.

Lawyer Doqmaq stated that detainee Khalil Shilo from Ein Areek village is suffering from a harsh condition as his tongue sometimes chokes him but the administration is not providing him with the needed care.

The detainee suffered from these conditions during the first Intifada after he was hit by a gas bomb fired by the army. Detainee Shadi Al Sa’aida is suffering from the same condition.

Furthermore, Doqmaq met with the detained Legislator Nayef Al Rajoub, who told her that the army is carrying ongoing violations against the detainees including knocking on their windows and doors without any reason, barring the detainees from using the radio for several days, and barring them from receiving newspapers.

She also said that the detainees have to buy most of their food from the prison canteen which is already overpriced.

The detained Legislator said that the detainees are united and called on President Mahmoud Abbas to increase his efforts to achieve national reconciliation between all factions.

Lawyer Doqmaq stated that there are 17 detainees who are in solitary confinement in Ayalon, and that Sheikh Jamal Abu Al Haija, who is sentenced to nine life-terms, is suffering from harsh health conditions.

Abu Al Haija was not allowed to have visitations from his family. He told Doqmaq that he has been in solitary confinement since five years.

He added that the isolated detainees are allowed out of their cells only for one hour each day and that they are not allowed to communicate with each other. He said that when they are allowed out of their cells, they are placed in a small yard, not bigger that 3.5 X 3 Meters, and cannot even see the sunshine.

The Mandela Institute stated that the following detainees are in solitary confinement in Ayalon; Jamal Abu Al Haija, Mhawish Salama, Ibrahim Hamid, Anwar Al Asab, Shawkat and Amaira, Mahmoud Issa, Ahmad Al Moghrabi, Saleh Dar Mousa, Waleed Khalid Ali. Mohammad Jaber Abdo, Naseem Al Qawasmi, Hisham Al Sharabaty, Khader Al Dalo, Mahmoud Mousa, Sultan Al Tashtoosh, Eyad Abu Fannoun and Jamal Al Natsha.

The lawyer stated that she asked the Prison Administration to allow her to visit some of the isolated detainees but her request was rejected.