According to the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR)'s Weekly Report, during the week of 8 – 14 May 2008, 13 Palestinians, two of whom were civilians, were killed by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip.  In addition, a Palestinian civilian was killed by the private Israeli security guards of “Ofra” settlement in Ramallah.  Also 2 Palestinian children died from previous injuries in Khan Yunis town in the southern Gaza Strip.  27 Palestinians and Israeli human rights defender were wounded by Israeli forces.  Of the 27 injured, 20 were civilians, including 4 children, an elderly woman and 2 journalists.

 Israeli attacks in the West Bank:


Israeli forces conducted 20 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank this week.  Israeli forces abducted 30 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children and a journalist, in the West Bank.


On 9 May, a Palestinian civilian was shot dead and another was abducted by the guards of “Ofra” settlement, northeast of Ramallah. Israeli forces claimed that the victim attempted to get close to the settlement in order to fire at it from a hunting rifle.


On 10 May, 10 Palestinians civilians, including 2 children and 2 journalists, and an Israeli human rights defender, were wounded by Israeli forces in Jaba’ village, south of Jenin, and Shoufa village, south of Tulkarm.


At approximately 18:00 on Sunday, 11 May 2008, Israeli forces positioned at an iron gate on the Annexation Wall violently beat Khaled ‘Abdul Rahim Ahmed, 31, from ‘Azzoun ‘Atma village east of Qalqilya, for no apparent reason. He sustained bruises throughout the body.


On 11 May, a Palestinian child was wounded when Israeli forces moved into Taffouh village, west of Hebron, and fired at children who demonstrated against the Israeli forces incursion.


On 14 May, a Palestinian civilian was wounded when Israeli forces positioned near bypass road #60 fired at him.


Contrary to Israeli claims to have eased restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians, Israeli forces have continued to impose severe restrictions on the movement of Palestinian civilians throughout the West Bank. Thousands of Palestinian civilians from the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, have been denied access to Jerusalem, including occupied East Jerusalem. Israeli forces have established numerous checkpoints around and inside East Jerusalem.


At approximately 11:00, Israeli forces attacked participants in a peaceful demonstration organized by Fighters for Peace near the western entrance of Shoufa village, south of Tulkarem, which has been closed with sand barriers for years. Hundreds of Palestinian, international and Israeli peace fighters participated in the demonstration. Israeli forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters at the participants. Four participants, including 2 journalists, were wounded by rubber-coated metal bullets.


Israeli Annexation Wall:


Israeli forces have continued to construct the Annexation Wall inside West Bank territory. During the reporting period, Israeli forces used force against a peaceful demonstration organized by Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders in protest to the construction of the Wall in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, and al-Ma’sara village, south of Bethlehem.


Following the Friday Prayer on 9 May 2008, scores of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders demonstrated in Bil’in village, west of Ramallah, in protest to the construction of the Wall. The demonstrators moved towards the Wall, but Israeli forces closed all gates designed for crossing the Wall. The demonstrators then set fire to tires in protest to the closure of gates. Immediately, Israeli forces fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters at the demonstrators. As a result, dozens of demonstrators suffered from tear gas inhalation.


Also following the Friday Prayer on 9 May 2008, scores of Palestinian civilians and international and Israeli human rights defenders demonstrated in al-Ma’sara village, south of Bethlehem. The demonstrators moved towards Palestinian land which were confiscated by Israeli forces. Israeli forces placed barbwire near the land to prevent the demonstrators from moving forward. They also violently beat a number of demonstrators. As a result, 3 Palestinian civilians sustained bruises and others suffered from tear gas inhalation.



Israeli settlement activities:


Israeli forces have continued settlement activities and Israeli settlers living in the Occupied Palestinian Territories have, in violation of international humanitarian law, continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property.


8 May, hundreds of Israeli settlers arrived at the area where the evacuated “Homesh” settlement used to stand, northwest of Nablus. They erected tents. In the meantime, Israeli forces extensively deployed and closed some roads allegedly to ensure security for settlers. They did not allow Palestinian farmers to reach their lands in the area.


On 8 May, Israeli forces closed Nablus-Ramallah, Nablus-Jenin, Nablus-Qalqilya and Nablus-Tulkarm roads. In addition, they closed Beit Eiba checkpoint, west of Nablus, and Ennab checkpoint, east of Tulkarem, and re-established their presence at Yits’har checkpoints. These measures were taken to secure Independence Day the celebration of at least 500 Israeli settlers in “Shavi Shomron” settlement, northwest of Nablus. The closure of these roads continued until the evening.


On Friday evening, 9 May 2008, a Palestinian civilian was shot dead and another one was abducted by the guards of “Ofra” settlement, northeast of Ramallah. Israeli forces claimed that the victim attempted to get close to the settlement to fire at it from a hunting rifle. Palestinian paramedics indicated that Israeli forces did not allow them to attend the victim for nearly an hour, which raises concerns that he might have bled to death.



Israeli attacks in the Gaza Strip:


During the reporting period, Israeli forces killed 13 Palestinians, including 2 civilians, in the Gaza Strip. Two Palestinian children died of previous injuries in the Gaza Strip, and a Palestinian civilian was shot dead by the guards of a settlement in the West Bank. In addition, Israeli forces wounded 27 Palestinians, including 4 children, an elderly woman, 2 journalists, and an Israeli human rights defender. 


In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces killed 13 Palestinians and wounded 16 others. Two children also died from previous injuries.


On the same day, a Palestinian child died of previous injuries sustained during an Israeli forces incursion into ‘Abassan village, east of Khan Yunis, on 7 May.


On 8 May, Israeli forces killed an activist of the Palestinian resistance and wounded another seriously in Jabalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip. An Israeli forces aircraft fired a missile at the two fighters.


On 9 May, Israeli forces killed 5 members of security services of the dismissed Palestinian government in two air strikes against security sites in Rafah and Khan Yunis.


On 11 May, a Palestinian child died of injuries previously sustained during an Israeli forces incursion into ‘Abassan village, east of Khan Yunis, on 7 May.


On 13 May, Israeli forces killed an activist of the Palestinian resistance and wounded another one in al-Qarara village, northeast of Khan Yunis. An Israeli forces drone fired 2 missiles at the two fighters.


On 14 May, Israeli forces killed an activist of the Palestinian resistance and wounded 3 others during an incursion into ‘Abassan village, east of Khan Yunis. On the same day, Israeli forces killed an activist of the Palestinian resistance and 2 civilian bystanders and wounded 3 civilians, including an elderly woman and her granddaughter, during an incursion into Jabalya town in the northern Gaza Strip. Also on the same day, Israeli forces killed 2 fighters of the Palestinian resistance and wounded 3 others in an air strike in al-Shoja’eya neighborhood in the east of Gaza City. 


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