Palestinian medical sources reported that two fighters of the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, were wounded on Friday evening after the Israeli air force targeted a group of fighters in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.A senior source at the Brigades stated that the Israeli air force targeted a group of its fighters who gathered in Tal Qleibo, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The source added that that two fighters were wounded in the attack.

Abu Ahmad, media spokesperson of the Brigades, stated that the fighters are ready to counter any Israeli aggression in the Gaza Strip.

In an interview with Maan News Agency, Abu Ahmad said that the Al Quds brigades, and all resistance groups in Gaza will use all available means to counter a possible Israeli invasion into Gaza.

Israeli newspaper, Haaretz, said that Israel is planning a major offensive in Gaza , and that this offensive might be carried out after the US President, George Bush, leaves that Middle East.