A Palestinian resident, said to be a petroleum authority employee, was reportedly injured Wednesday , after a homemade shell landed on a fuel store in the eastern Gaza city neighborhood of Alshija’iya.

Mojahed Salama, chairman of the Gaza-based petroleum authority told media outlets that what happened was an ‘unjustified criminal act’, in which an employee went a victim.

Salama blamed homemade shells launchers for the damages and causalities resulting from homemade shell fire, explaining that the gas pipe lines in the said store have been hit directly.

He pointed out the Israeli pretexts to stop providing Gaza with fuel, making clear that border crossings and such locations should be avoided when it comes to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

He maintained that cutting off fuel supplies to Gaza would mean more isolation of the civilian population as well as increased death toll of patients, who are in need of medical care outside of the coastal region.

Speaking earlier to IMEMC, a number of Gaza residents, who happened to wait for their shares of cooking gas at a large gas station in eastern Gaza, complained of Palestinian fire on fuel tankers and around fuel stations on eastern Gaza-Israel border lines.

Many of gas stations and fuel stores in Gaza are located near the Gaza-Israel border lines, where homemade shells fire are reportedly fired onto nearby Israeli areas.

Currently, the Gaza Strip suffers from a crippling Israeli closure and large cuts of fuel supplies, within what Israel says a bid to end homemade shells fire from the Gaza Strip onto nearby Israeli towns.