At least 300 Palestinian villagers from Na’aleen, located near the central West Bank city of Ramallah supported by international and Israeli peace activists protest the Israeli illegal wall planed to be built on the village land.

At 6:30 am a group of farmers went to their lands that is set to be taken by the army for the wall, Israeli troops attacked them and kidnapped Ibraheem Amira a local activist. The farmers were planning to stop the Israeli bulldozers from destroying their lands.

At around 9:00 am on Sunday villagers, internationals and Israelis supporters marched form the village towards the land of the farmers to aid those protecting their lands.

The Israeli army attacked them using tear gas, sound bombs and rubber-coated steal bullets. Seven civilians, including an Israeli journalist known to villagers by the name of Shakhof, were injured, two other were critically injured sources told IMEMC.

Salah Al Khawajah, form the local popular committee against the wall, told IMEMC that the protesters used mirrors to reflect sun into the nearby settlement built on the village land before the soldiers attacked the protest.

The soldiers also kidnapped Ahed Al Khawajah, a local activist and Nier an Israeli supporter.