A group of Israeli settlers attack the home of a Palestinian family located in Howwara town near the northern West Bank city of Nablus and injured two civilians.

Witnesses said that settlers from the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Yitshar attacked the Khalaf family house; settlers stabbed with a knife Ahamad Khalaf, 33, and beat up his friend Samir Ali, 25.

Both were transported to a hospital in Nablus city where doctors described their injuries as serious. Local sources in Howwara town said that this attack on the Khalaf family home is not the first.

Earlier this week three Palestinian civilians were injured on Sunday when Israeli settlers attacked a house in the village of Susia located near Hebron in the southern part of the West Bank.

Eyewitnesses said that, on Sunday evening, a group of armed settlers form a nearby settlement attacked the house of Al Nawa’jah family, during the attack settlers injured Khalil, 70 years old his wife Tammam, 68, and their cousin Yousif, 32.

The witnesses added that settlers used their rifles and baseball bats to attack the family, medical sources said the three had wounds in the face and limbs. Tammam was transported to a hospital in Israel after sustaining critical wounds medics said.