Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that one fighter of the Islamic Jihad was killed on Monday evening after the Israeli army fired a missile at an area close to Jabalia, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. Earlier in the day, three fighters were killed in clashes with Israeli forces east of Khan Younis.

The sources stated that Mo’taz Fuad Tafish, 28, member of the AL Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, was killed on Monday evening when the army fired a missile at a group of residents who gathered near Al Shuahada graveyard, north east of Jabalia.

Tafish is from AL Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza City. Several residents were wounded in the attack.

The Al Quds Brigades issued a press release stating that the shelling targeted its fighters after they fired homemade shells at the Israeli Negev town of Sderot.

The death of Tafish raises the number of Palestinians killed on Monday to four as three fighters of the Al Quds Brigades were killed on Monday morning after clashing with Israeli forces in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The three were identified as Yasser Abu Oleyyan, 22, Aa’ AL Breem, 20, and Mahmoud Abu Shihab, 20. All are from Bani Soheila, east of Khan Younis.

Gaza: two attacks by the army leaves three killed and three injured

Ghassan Bannoura, IMEMC News, Mon, 16 Jun 2008 12:14:10

Three Palestinian resistance fighters were killed and three others injured in two separate Israeli attacks in northern Gaza strip on Monday morning.

Three fighters said to be members of the Al Qudes Brigades the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad group were killed when the Israeli army opened fire at a group of fighters at the borders between northern Gaza Strip and Israel.

Palestinian sources said a group of resistance men were planting a home made bomb when Israeli soldiers spotted them and opened fire killing all three, up until the time of this report no names have been issued yet.

Meanwhile an Israeli unmanned airplane fired a missile at a group of Hamas resistance fighters gathered in Khuza'a town in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, three were wounded, medical sources reported.