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The Israeli army has entered several cities in the west bank, renditing a total of 10 civilians. For these stories and more stay tuned.

The News Cast

Israeli army troops drove into Tulkarem with a number of military jeeps and launched a widespread search campaign among several neighborhoods. Troops searched several houses and took six civilians to unknown detention camps.

Also in Tulkarem, troops attacked a number of shops selling fertilizer and agricultural materials. They confiscated agricultural equipment and crops at an estimated worth of 35,000 shekels.

In The West Bank city of Nablus, Israeli troops searched several houses and took two civilians to an unknown detention center.

In Hebron troops entered the city and searched a number of houses, releasing concussion grenades and shooting at random. They took seized 2 civilians and took them to unknown detention camps.

Military vehicles also drove through Jenin for a couple of hours then withdrew.

On August 11, Palestinian and Israeli security officials met in Jenin to discuss security issues. The Palestinian security officials demanded to have full control over Jenin as Palestinian Authority security forces have reportedly managed to impose law and order in the area, according to Palestinian sources.

The Palestinian Authority also demanded Israel ease restrictions imposed on the movement of Palestinians in the Jenin area.

On a separate issue, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will arrive in Jeddah today to meet with King Abdullah Ibn Abdel Aziz, Crown Prince Sultan Ibn Abdel Aziz and Foreign Minister prince Saud Al-Faisal. The meetings will be held to address bilateral relations with Saudi Arabia, Palestinian concerns, and broader regional issues.

Abbas’s visit will be for a couple of hours only, to discuss the situation in Gaza, negotiations with Israel, the Palestinian internal political crisis and Abbas’ initiative for national unity.


Thank you for joining us from occupied Bethlehem. You have been listening to Palestine Today from the International Middle East Media Center, This report has been brought to you by Sofie Reid and Husam Qassis.