Abu Mojahid, media spokesperson of the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) welcomed the upcoming release of Palestinian detainees imprisoned by Israel, and stressed the Committees’ firm position regarding a prisoner swap deal with Israel.

Abu Mojahid stated that all detainees without any exception should be set free, especially women, children and detainees who are sentenced to high terms.

He added that the PRC will carry all needed measures to ensure the release of all detainees, including capturing more Israeli soldiers.

“The detainees suffer from the most cruel torture and abuse”, Abu Mojahid said, “We want to ensure they receive their freedom”.

Abu Mojahid also said that the issue of the captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, will never be resolved unless the demands of the resistance are met. He added that the resistance already submitted a list which included the names of the detainees who should be freed, and that this list is topped by detainees who are sentenced to high terms.

He called on all factions to unite and resume internal dialogue without any preconditions in order to achieve national unity which will be the base of steadfastness until liberation and the freedom of all detainees.