During his Monday morning speech at the Knesset, Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, demanded the Palestinian Authority to recognize Israel as a Jewish State, and to declare that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is over. He also demanded the voiding any discussions on the Goldstone report, and claimed that Israel was committed to the conducts of war during its offensive on Gaza, and that the army did not violate the international law.

Arab member of Knesset, Jamal Zahalka, interrupted Netanyahu and said that the army killed more that 400 children during the war.

On his part, Netanyahu claimed that the Goldstone report ‘ignored Israel’s right to defend itself”, and that the “Jewish state has the right to do so”.

He also claimed that after the Lebanon war in July 2006, and the December/January 2008/2009 war on Gaza, several countries started condemning Israel ‘for defending itself”.

He added that the Goldstone report is a danger to peace and encourages terrorism.

Netanyahu further stated that the Hamas movement clearly stated that it wants to destroy Israel, and considered this as a war crime. He also said that holding Shalit captive without allowing the Red Cross to visit him is also a war crime.

The Israeli Prime Minister failed to mention that Israeli is holding captive more than 10.000 Palestinians, including hundreds of children and women, and that hundreds of detainees are deprived for their visitation rights, including Red Cross visitations.

Netanyahu said that Israel did not violate the International Law, and claimed that Israel was fighting war criminals.

He further stated that Israel will not accept sending Defense Minister, Ehud Barak, former Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, and other leaders and soldiers, to the International Court.

The Israeli PM demanded the Palestinian Authority to tell its people that Israel is not an enemy to peace.