A new report has found that thirty two children have died in the last two years in smuggling tunnels between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.The report, conducted by the Palestinian National Society for Democracy and Law, says that the 32 children are among the 117 Palestinians have been killed in the tunnels over the last two years.

The tunnels have come to serve as a lifeline for the Palestinian population in Gaza, which is imprisoned inside the tiny coastal strip. The Gaza Strip has a width of 7 miles, and Israeli guard towers keep a constant surveillance over all parts the Gaza Strip.

Israeli patrol boats enforce a 3 mile limit in the Mediterranean, and fire on all Palestinian fishing boats that approach the 3 mile limit. Un-manned Israeli drones fly across Gaza’s air space.

Because of the Israeli blockade of Gaza, most supplies are smuggled through underground tunnels. The ban on supplies includes childrens’ toys, pencils, school supplies, and construction materials such as cement, glass and plastic pipe, which Israel believes could be used to make rockets.