Arab member of Knesset, Dr. Ahmad Tibi, stated Thursday that the Jerusalem municipality is planning to construct additional 15.000 housing units for Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem.
In an interview with the Maan News Agency, Dr. Tibi said that this plan is bigger and more dangerous that the planned 900 units in Gilo settlement.

“It is no secret that the Jerusalem municipality has plans for settlement expansion and construction”, Dr. Tibi said, “Now, they are speeding up the plans and their implementation”.

He further said that the new Israeli plans are a slap to the face of U.S. President, Barack Obama, his administration and the International Community.

Dr. Tibi demanded the U.S. President to play a more effective role in Middle East peace, and act against the illegal Israeli settlements activities.

As for the Palestinian leadership’s intention to declare a state at the Security Council, Dr. Tibi said that declaring a state should be done after achieving a Security Council resolution against Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem.

He also called for boosting the national nonviolent resistance movement in Palestine, similar to the strong movement against the Annexation Wall and
settlements in Ni’lin and Bil’in, near Ramallah, and added that the

International Community must act against the illegal Wall, settlements and the illegal Israeli violations.