When a Palestinian man from Hebron entered an Israeli settlement gas station with a knife, the Israeli settlers on the scene took things into their own hands. After beating the man and shooting him multiple times, one of the settlers drove over him several times with a car.The Palestinian, critically injured, survived the act of ‘mob justice’, and was taken to Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital in Jerusalem.

An amateur video of the incident has been released by Al Jazeera television, contradicting the account of Israeli authorities. When the incident took place last Thursday, Israeli authorities said only that a ‘terrorist’ had tried to attack Israelis with a knife, and had been shot, but did not mention that he was then run over several times when he was already lying prone on the ground.

The settler who ran over the Palestinian was identified by soldiers as David Mizrachi, an Israeli settler living in Kiryat Arba, near Hebron. Kiryat Arba is a settlement that has been home to a number of Israeli attackers of Palestinian indigenous residents. Settlers from Kiryat Arba are constantly attempting to take over more Palestinian houses in Hebron, and there are daily attacks against Palestinian schoolchildren on their way to school in the neighborhood.

Last year, after Israeli soldiers removed settlers from the Palestinian home of the Ar-Rajabi family, which the Israeli soldiers had forced out of the home in order to occupy it and claim it as their own. After that removal, an Israeli settler from Kiryat Arba went on a rampage, and ended up shooting a Palestinian at point-blank range.