Israeli sources reported that an Israeli man was shot dead on Monday when Israeli Border Policemen opened fire at him as he tried to cross the border fence into the Gaza Strip. The incident took place near the Erez border terminal.Israeli daily, Haaretz, reported that the man, in his thirties, ran towards the crossing after parking his car nearby.

Soldier, using security cameras installed on the border fence, spotted the man and ordered him to stop, the army said.

The soldiers then fired a number of warning shots but when he did not stop, they shot him dead as he, according to the army, started climbing the border fence into Gaza.

The army said that the soldiers feared that the man was carrying explosives in an attempt to smuggle them into the Gaza Strip. They still did not know he was Israeli.

Later on, the army issued a statement claiming that the man was mentally ill and that he died of his wounds at an Israeli hospital.