In a clear collaboration with the Israeli Authorities, Egypt’s Intelligence Services forced British Legislator, George Galloway, head of the Viva Palestina humanitarian convoy, into a plane after informing him that he is a “persona non grata”, and that he will not be allowed into Egypt again.

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George Galloway

In a clear collaboration with the Israeli Authorities, Egypt’s Intelligence Services forced British Legislator, George Galloway, head of the Viva Palestina humanitarian convoy, into a plane after informing him that he is a “persona non grata”, and that he will not be allowed into Egypt again.

He was approached by police officers in plain-clothes who escorted him to the plan, and even to the toilet before that.

The British MP was trying to go back to Rafah after learning that members of the convoy have been arrested by the Egyptian security forces, but Egyptian policemen, approximately 25 men mainly wearing plain clothes, did not allow him to return.

Viva Palestina reported that as soon as Galloway and Ron McKay arrived at the Rafah Crossing and stepped on Egyptian spoil, they were pushed into a van and were told that they are leaving Egypt. The van was escorted by a police convoy.

Viva Palestina convoy of 550 people from 17 countries was attacked by Egyptian riot police and plain clothes intelligence officers in the early hours of Wednesday (6th January). 55 of the convoy members were injured and 7 were also arrested, Viva Palestina reported on its website.

The seven were accused of “inciting the riots in Al Arish port”.

But a deal struck between Galloway and Turkish members of parliament with Egypt stated that Egypt would unconditionally release the seven international human rights activists who were arrested by Egypt’s police.

While being taken to Cairo, Galloway learned that Egypt is about to arrest 7 convoy members, and demanded to return to Rafah.

Egypt’s security forces refused to allow the British MP to return to Rafah.
Egyptian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying that Galloway will not be allowed into Egypt again, and accused him off incitement.

The accusation came because the British MP criticized the Egyptian authorities.

On Tuesday, more that 50 international peace activists were wounded after being attacked the Egypt’s security forces.