Osama Hamdan, a political leader of the Hamas movement, stated Saturday that indirect talks on a prisoner-swap deal are very tough, but are also still ongoing behind closed doors. Hamdan told the Safa News Agency that the Israeli occupation failed in its attempt to pass an unacceptable prisoner-swap deal, and added that the resistance, holding Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, captive since June 2006, will not accept concessions.

The Hamas leader also said that Hamas will not provide any details on the indirect talks or developments.

He said that Hamas wants a swap deal that is acceptable and honorable even if this would lead to tougher talks and more delays in achieving the deal.
As for Hamas’ political tour in a number of Arab countries, Hamdan said this tour has three goals;

First: To discuss developments in the region especially after the failed swap talks, and the possibility of renewed violence by Israel.

Second: To explain the stance of Hamas regarding national reconciliation, and to demand Arab support for reconciliation.

Third: To discuss the Arab support to the Palestinian steadfastness to break the siege and counter Israeli aggression.

Furthermore, Hamdan described the recent incidents at the Gaza-Egypt border as unfortunate, and said that Hamas considers the Egyptian border policeman, who was killed recently, as a martyr.

He added that the Interior Ministry is investigating the event, and stressed on the importance of Palestinian-Egyptian unity.

“Egypt has a bigger role in the region, its role is not to strangle the Palestinian people”, he said, “We want to see Egypt, once again, supporting the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian cause”.