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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday, January 12th, 2010.

The Israeli military kills resistance fighters in the Gaza Strip, whilst in the West Bank arrests and deportation run rife. These stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

The News Cast

The Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas movement, reported on Monday at night that one of its fighters was killed in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

Furthermore the Israeli army has killed five Palestinians in two air strikes targeting the Gaza Strip in recent days. Three of them were assassinated on Sunday evening in Central Gaza.

Israeli troops kidnapped four men on Tuesday, during invasions targeting a number of areas in the West Bank. All four are members of the local Popular Committees Against the Wall and Settlement construction in their villages.

In the village of Nil’in, central West Bank, soldiers left the village, taking Ibrahim Amirah, the coordinator of Ni’lin’s Popular Committee as well as Zaidoun Srour, a well-known activist in the village. The third man Hassan Mousa was released after being detained the troops from some time.

Amirah has previously been arrested twice under the same suspicion of organizing demonstrations against the Wall in Ni’lin, but was not charged. Protests have been held in the village of Nil’in since May 2008.

Meanwhile at the village of Bil’in, also central West Bank, where anti-wall protests have been taking place for the past five years, Israeli troops kidnapped a young activist for his involvement in the weekly protests.

In the last six months, the military have come to 21-year-old Yaseen Yaseen’s home numerous times, attempting to take him into custody. He is one of many activists arrested for attending weekly non-violent demonstrations.

In the past month, the army has staged eleven night incursions into Ni’ilin. Since May 2008, when demonstrations began in the village, 94 residents have been arrested in connection to the protests. Similar raids have been conducted in the village of Bil’in, where 34 residents have been arrested in the past six months.

Among those arrested in the recent military campaign are also five members of the Bil’in Popular Committee, all suspected of incitement, and include Adeeb Abu Rahmah – who has already been held in detention for almost six months and Abdallah Abu Rahmah – the Bil’in Popular Committee co-ordinator.

Prominent Nablus grassroots activists, Wael al-Faqeeh, as well as Jamal Juma of East Jerusalem, and Mohammed Othman of Jayyous and member of the Stop the Wall NGO, involved in anti-Wall and boycott, divestment and sanctions campaigning have also been kidnapped recently. All three are currently being held based on secret evidence and with no charges brought against them.


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