This Thursday, the Jerusalem District Court ordered the release of arson suspect, Rabbi Itzik Shapira. He has been detained since Tuesday for his alleged involvement with the mosque arson in the West Bank village of Yasuf.
According to Israeli news agency Haaretz, The Rabbi is one of the leaders of Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in Yitzhar settlement, located in the occupied West Bank.

He was first interrogated by Israeli Police in the West Bank then transferred to Petah Tikva interrogation center where he was questioned by Shin Bet.

The Israeli prosecution told The Magistrate Court that Shapira was being held and interrogated for obstructing justice. Prosecution gave the District Court different reasons, saying the Rabbi was being held and questioned for involvement with the mosque arson.

Shin Bet submitted a report stating the evidence against the Rabbi is insufficient.

The attack against the Palestinian mosque in Yasuf village is reported to have been carried out by a group of settlers who wrote, “Price Tag,” on its walls.

‘Price Tag,’ refers to the policy of certain armed settler groups who attack Palestinians as a result of Israel’s temporary settlement freeze in the West Bank.

Four settlers were detained by the Israeli police last week, two of them are still under interrogation. The police later arrested another three including two minors.

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, said that Israel must prevent armed settler attacks and stop such brutal action against the Palestinian people.

He added that burning a mosque is a despicable crime that violates religious freedom

His statement came during a meeting with Arab Member of Knesset, Dr. Ahmad Tibi, head of the United Arab List. The two leaders met in Amman, Jordan.