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Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday, January 28th, 2010.

Multiple arrests and demolition orders served in the West Bank whilst the besieged Gaza Strip comes under attack. These stories and more, coming up, stay tuned.

The News Cast

Mohammed al-Khatib, leading member of the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlement Construction in Bil’in, was arrested last night in a pre-dawn incursion.

Soldiers raided his home at approximately 1:45 am, Thursday morning, arresting him. The soldiers retrned after half an hour and searched his home more thoroughly, confiscating his phone, documents and other personal possesions.

In other news, local sources have reported that Israeli authorities ordered the demolition of Palestinian property in the towns of Al Baq’a and Ithna outside of Hebron. The Israeli military also delivered demolition orders to al-Nour Co-operative Society and a number of clinics.

In related news, Israeli soldiers attacked a number of Palestinian reporters in the village of Burin on Thursday. The reporters were documenting the, ‘Green Palestine,’ project where more than 250 trees were planted.
Anan al-Ateera, deputy governor of Nablus, described the soldiers behavior as “savage”, adding that the army always tries to prevent the reporters from documenting their violations. She noted that the area in question is under full Palestinian control and the army has no right to be there.

In Gaza City, Israeli tanks shelled areas close to the border this Thursday afternoon. Residents of Al Shojayia neighborhood reported the shelling damaged their homes and farmlands.
The residents also noted that tanks targeted farmers working on their land. Damage to property was reported but no injuries.

Off the coast of Gaza, Israeli military boats fired upon fishermen. The attack allegedly occurred in waters near the Rafah border crossing, off the southern coast of Gaza.

The Palestinian Fishermen Trade Union in Gaza warns that the fishing industry is at the verge of collapse due to Israeli prohibitions that severely limit where Gazans are permitted to fish.


Thank you for joining us from occupied Bethlehem, you have been listening to Palestine Today from the International Middle East Media Center, This report has been brought to you by Walter Jones.