U.S. Secretary-of State, Hilary Clinton, stated Friday that U.S. Middle East Peace Envoy, George Mitchell, and Middle East Envoy, Tony Blair, will intensify their efforts to ensure the resumption of the stalled peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.Following talks with Blair, Clinton said that the British official, as a representative of the Quartet Committee, would intensify his efforts with Mitchell in order to boost the chances of peace talks.

She added that the United States is committed to a two-state solution, and that Blair will seek the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, and the freedom of movement of the Palestinians.

Also, a spokesperson of Blair said that he is looking forwards to cooperate with Mitchell, and added that “significant developments were made last year in the West Bank, but much is needed to develop the situation in Gaza”.

He added that “a new strategy is needed to end the siege on Gaza”, so that reconstruction and development can be conducted.

Meanwhile, Clinton stated that Blair will cooperate with Mitchell in order to encourage private investments in Gaza and to improve the living conditions.