The Energy Authority in the Gaza Strip reported Saturday that Gaza’s sole power plant will case functioning in a matter of hours due to the ongoing Israeli blockade, preventing basic supplies including fuel needed to run the generators, from entering Gaza.The Energy Authority issued a statement regarding the issue and said that the amount of fuel will only allow the power plant to run for a few hours, and Gaza will, once again, experience blackouts.

Only 16.000 cubic meters, out of the needed 2.200 cubic meters where allowed into Gaza in the first week of February.

UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, stated Friday that the Israeli siege on Gaza is increasing the suffering of the Palestinian people, and added that this siege is a counter-productive and unacceptable as it is preventing the reconstruction of the war-torn coastal region.

He called on both Israel and the Palestinians to resume peace talks to reach a solution for permanent status issues, mainly borders, refugees, security, settlements and water.

His statements came during his participation at a Malta conference in support of resuming the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.