The Israeli police forces, along with Israeli soldiers, stormed a number of Palestinian neighborhoods, on Monday, to enforce resident to bay taxes.At Shu’fat camp for Palestinian refugees near Jerusalem’s old city, shop owner closed their shops in protest of the raid. Shop owners say that the police enforce unreal taxes and fines on people, even if they have the needed documents issued by the state of Israel.

The Residents added that the state of Israel does not provide the Palestinian residents of Jerusalem with services that mach the amount of taxes they have to pay.

Other Palestinian neighborhoods were targeted today especially those located near Jerusalem’s old city, local media reported.

In one case tax police fined a bakery owner 40,540 US dollars for having raw materials that came from nearby West Bank cities, local sources reported.

Residents say this is an ongoing campaign since last week. Last Monday clashes erupted during a police raid at the Shu’fat camp. Officers arrested 60 Palestinians and injured 8 others. Among those arrested were medical staff who were aiding injured residents.