The White House reported Tuesday that President Barack Obama phoned Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and informed him that the proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinians will focus on final-status issues, mainly borders and security. The White house said that Obama will hold the Palestinians and Israel responsible for any acts that would jeopardize trust during the talks, mediated by his country.

Obama stated that his administration is seeking a two-state solution that would lead to a viable Palestinian state living in peace and security next to the state of Israel.

Obama and Abbas agreed on the necessity of focusing on final-status issues, mainly borders and security, in the coming period, and to refrain from conducting any provocative acts that could undermine trust.

The U.S president said that he is committed to the peace process as peace serves American, Arab, Palestinian, Israeli and International interests.

He also expressed willingness to hold a meeting with Abbas in Washington in the coming period in order to hold extensive talks on the peace building process.