Abdul-Raouf Adeeb Zada, head of the the Iranian Red Crescent’s International Relations department , announced Wednesday that two Iranian ships carrying humanitarian supplies will be sailing to Gaza by the end of this week.Zada stated that “after the Israeli aggression against the Freedom Flotilla, the Red Crescent decided to send humanitarian aid to Gaza, one again”, and added that several meetings were held in this regard.

He also said that the first ship carries humanitarian supplies, while the second ship carries relief supplies to the Palestinian Red Crescent society.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard stated earlier this week stated it is willing to accompany and guard the ships should the Iranian Supreme Leaders, Ali Khomeini, issue an order in this regard.

Ali Shirazi, the assistance of Khomeini, stated that the Revolutionary Guard is ready and willing to accompany the ships to ensure their safety and to ensure humanitarian supplies make it into Gaza.

Also on Wednesday, the United Nation Security Council voted to impose a fourth round of sanction on Iran after claiming the Tehran failed to stop its nuclear enrichment program.

The sanctions include an expanded embargo on arms, and further restriction on finance.

The decision fell short of what the United States wanted, as its representative demanded tighter sanctions on Tehran.

The Islamic Republic insists that it is not seeking nuclear weapons, but is only seeking nuclear energy.