Israeli soldiers closed, Monday night after midnight, the Jordan Valley area in the occupied West Bank, and declared it a closed military zone. The army installed several roadblocks at the entrances of Jericho, al-Oja and all roads leading to the northern and central areas of the Jordan valley.

The army claimed receiving warnings of “potential attacks against Israeli targets” in the Jordan Valley.

Local sources reported that dozens of soldiers were deployed in the area, and searched hundreds of vehicles while interrogating the residents and examining their identity cards.

Meanwhile, a number of Palestinian youths hurled four Molotov cocktails at settlers’ vehicles near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.

An Israeli military spokesperson reported that one Molotov bomb was hurled at an Israeli vehicle near Aboud, north west of Ramallah, and three other Molotov cocktails were hurled at settlers vehicles near Shiqba village; no injuries were reported.