The former military interrogator known as ‘Captain George’ has been appointed the director of Arab affairs for the Jerusalem District Police.The post includes responsibilities such as being a liaison between the police commander and the Arab community as well as filing reports on Arab opinion in the city. It is considered a position of significant importance by the Jerusalem police commander, Aharon Franco.

‘Captain George’ reached notoriety when a unit he was commanding was accused of torturing Mustafa Dirani, a Lebanese citizen kidnapped by Israeli forces in 1994.

Mustafa sued Israel for 6 million shekels in damages and in his testimony recalled how his captors had raped him with a baton. The case has been in limbo since 2005.

‘Captain George’ was appointed to the position a couple of months ago and the police had this to say of him, ‘There is no link between the previous role held by Major D. [‘George’] and his current position. The officer is carrying out his duties to Franco’s satisfaction, and is contributing a great deal to the good relationship between Jerusalem police and the Arabs of East Jerusalem.’