Two Israeli settlers were wounded, Wednesday night, in a drive-by shooting near the central West Bank city of Ramallah.The attack comes a day after a deadly attack in the southern West Bank city of Hebron claimed the lives of four Israeli settlers. The al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas claimed responsibility for Tuesday’s attack, yet no one has claimed responsibility for the new attack, however Israeli police accused Hamas for both attacks.

Hamas, declared on Tuesday that after the attack yesterday in southern West Bank al-Qassam brigades said more attacks will come.

The Israeli police said that the attack today was a drive by shooting near the settlement of Kochav Hashachar east of Ramallah. A man sustained critical wounds while a woman sustained light wounds, police reported.

These attacks coincide with the restart of direct talks between Palestinian and Israeli leaders in Washington this week. Some local commentators say these attacks weaken the Palestinian negotiators.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, in Washington, that the Tuesday attack will not go unpunished.

The Palestinian Authority condemned the attacks, and deployed their security forces to arrest around 300 Hamas supporters and members following Tuesday’s attack.