Britain’s trade union federation voted on Tuesday to continue its boycott of Israeli goods and services from West Bank settlements.The vote came in the union’s 14th annual congress held in Manchester 13 – 16 September.

The TUC said in its council report that the union has worked with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in UK and produced material calling for boycott of Israeli settlements good. One postcard is called, “Ban settlement goods” in which they target members of Parliament, and another “Would you buy stolen goods?” leaflet aimed at consumers.

The TUC appealed all major UK supermarkets not to stock settlement goods, a call that apparently was met positively by the supermarkets.

“Encouragingly, due to campaigning pressure, all major supermarkets now claim to be applying the DEFRA guidance, with all but two of them also claiming they no longer stock any produce from the illegal settlements,” the report read.

The TUC also condemned the Israeli attack on the Gaza flotilla on May 31, calling for a “full, open and independent investigation and for the blockade of Gaza to be immediately lifted.”