Hundreds of villagers from Ni’lin, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, took to the streets in a protest against the construction of the wall on their land.The protest which was organised by the Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements in the village started after the Friday prayers, and was joined by International peace activists.

Israeli troops stationed at the construction site of the wall showered the protestors with tear gas canisters, causing dozens to choke, and one protester twist his ankle.

Salah Khawaja from Ni’lin, told IMEMC that this weeks protest was dedicated to support the farmers in their olive harvest, and added that member of the Palestinian Parliament, Dr. Mustafa Barghouti also joined the demonstration.

The village of Ni’lin has been organizing anti-wall protests since 2007 every week in an attempt to stop the construction of the wall on their land, which will result in confiscating a wide area from the agricultural land of the village.