The Arab Summit held its meeting in Libya on Friday and a decision was made to support the Palestinian conclusion to halt talks with Israel until it stops all settlement activities in the occupied West Bank and in occupied East Jerusalem. The final statement of the summit expressed hopes that the United States will continue its pressure on Israel to halt the settlement activities.

Libyan Foreign Minister, Mousa Kousa, said that Arab countries support the legitimate Palestinian rights of statehood and independence and the refugees’ Right of Return.

Mousa added that the summit also included talks on Arab-African cooperation and a means to counter the challenges in the Middle East, including keeping the region a nuclear free zone.

The leaders also held talks about finding ways to counter organized crimes and terrorism.

The final statement of the summit expressed direct Arab and African support for the struggle of the Palestinian people against the Israeli occupation, which included their right to an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Attendees at the summit included Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyadh Al Maliky, Negotiations Department head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Dr. Saeb Erekat, Palestinian Ambassador in Cairo Majdi Al Khalidy, president’s spokesperson Nabil Abu Rodeina, and the Palestinian permanent envoy at the Arab league Maisa’ Hadmi.

Prior to the Summit, Arab League Secretary-General, Amro Mousa, said that the current conditions are negative and do not support resuming talks between Israel and the Palestinian people.

Mousa added that Arab leaders will start finding alternatives to the peace process, and that Arab countries support the decision of Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, to halt talks with Israel until it freezes all of its settlement activities.
On October 2nd, the Palestinian Leadership it will not hold talks with Israel while it continues its settlement construction and expansion in the occupied territories.