Israeli sources reported that a well-known extremist settler leader, head of the so-called City of David group, stated that his vehicle accidentally rammed into two Palestinian children in East Jerusalem. David Be’eri, a known fundamentalist Jewish settler, said that Palestinian children hurled stones at his vehicle in Silwan in East Jerusalem, on Friday and that the vehicle accidentally rammed into them.

The children were taken to the al-Maqassed Islamic Hospital in East Jerusalem; one child suffered mild wounds while the second child suffered more serious injuries in his chest and lower body.

The fundamentalist settler heads Elad, a nonprofit group that directs the work of the so-called City of David in occupied East Jerusalem. The group is active in bringing Jewish settlers to settle in Arab and Palestinian neighborhoods in occupied East Jerusalem, and in taking over Palestinian homes in the city.

Be’eri claimed that he was driving with his son when Palestinian children hurled stones at his car. He also claimed that , ‘Fearing for his life and his son’s, he chased the Palestinian children with his vehicle in an attempt to scare them away”. He concluded that ramming into the children was “accidental”.

Eyewitnesses reported that after the Friday prayer at the Silwan protest tent, clashes erupted between Israeli settlers and Palestinian youth and that Be’eri deliberately hit the two children with his car and fled the scene.