The Israeli Ofer Military Court sentenced Palestinian Legislator Hatem Qfeisha of the Hamas’ Change and Reform Bloc, to six month in administrative detention without presenting any charges against him. Qfeisha, 49, was kidnapped by the Israeli army a week ago and was placed under interrogation.

Islamic Legislators slammed the Israeli decision and described it as “another proof that the occupation did not find any substantial charges against legislator Hatem Qfeisha, therefore he was sentenced to six months in administrative detention.”

They demanded that the International Community intervene to stop the illegal Israeli attacks and violations against elected officials, and added that under administrative detention, the detainees do not know the reason for their arrest, and in many cases, spend years behind bars.

The legislators added that Israeli military courts are committing crimes against humanity when they use administrative detention orders against the detainees, especially since such orders violate the international law.

Qfeisha was kidnapped from his home on October 18th, and was moved to the Ofer Prison.

He is a father of six, and had been kidnapped and imprisoned repeatedly by the Israeli army. He was subjected to three arrests following his election to the legislative council in 2006.

Since the mid-eighties, Ofeisha has spent more than 100 months in administrative detention during his several arrests.

The legislator received his PHD degree while detained at the Negev Detention Camp.

Several members of his family have been repeatedly arrested by the Palestinian Security forces. His brother, Sobhi, is currently at the Ofer Israeli detention center. He was kidnapped last month and has been sentenced to three months in administrative detention.

Still being held captive by Israeli are nine elected legislators of the Hamas movement, two legislators of the Fateh movement, and one legislator of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.