Rabbi Haim Druckman, regarded as a ‘moderate’ leader of religious Zionism, presented his own version of resolving the issue of not renting homes at Arabs, by suggesting that a “loyal Arab” can rent or buy a flat while “haters of Israel” will be denied this right.Druckman, Hesder Yeshiva head, is reportedly preparing a new decree that allows discriminating against Arabs deemed to be “haters of Israel”.

He stated that an Arab who is loyal to Israel must be granted equal rights, while those who hate Israel must be exiled, the Arabs48 news website reported.

The new decree is expected to be signed by several Rabbis, and will likely be published in the coming few days.

Yet, Druckman opposed a controversial edict issued last week by fifty fundamentalist Rabbis, against renting or selling apartments to all Arabs in general.

During an interview with the Israeli Army Radio on Sunday, Druckman warned of what he called “the dangers of renting or selling apartments to Arabs, and claimed that “an Israeli Arab who wants to rent or purchase an apartment in Israel is usually funded by enemies, therefore, selling or allowing him to rent, is forbidden”.

He said that the Arabs ‘have the desire to control Jewish towns’, and that the ‘Jews must defend themselves’.