The Ma’an News Agency reports that two men have been injured by the Israeli Army this morning.The two were injured in separate incidents at approximately 10am and midday this morning. Both were apparently collecting stone aggregates east of Gaza City. Medics stated that both had suffered moderate injuries and were transported to Ash-Shifa hospital.

The Israeli military claimed that the two had come within a 300 meter no-go zone around the border area. The army alleges that the two were first warned to retreat and then warning shots were fired before the workers were shot in the legs.

The buffer zone was imposed on the Gaza Strip by Israel following the Oslo Accords, set at a distance of 50 metres. By 2010, the zone had been expanded to 300 metres, although in reality extends much further, with Palestinian residents of Gaza having come under Israeli live munition fire up to 2 kilometres away.

A 2010 UN report estimated that approximately 30% of Gaza’s agricultural land has been rendered useless, or puts the property owner at significant risk of harm if they choose to work their land.

Israel’s actions have devastated the agricultural industry, relied on by the residents of the Strip both economically and as a much needed source of fresh food since the State of Israel imposed a blockade in 2007.

Following the blockade Israel has imposed strict regulation of products, including food, that are allowed into Gaza, both limiting the intake of fresh, healthy food, and the overall calorific quantity of food allowed into the Strip.