The Israeli Authorities handed on Monday evening eight orders for the removal of eight homes and barns that belong to residents of Barta’a Al Sharqiyya, isolated behind the Annexation Wall south west of the northern West Bank city of Jenin. Member of Barta’a village council, Tawfiq Qabha, told the Maan News Agency that seven armored military jeeps, and a vehicle that belongs to the so-called planning department, invaded the southern and northern parts of the village and handed the orders.

The structures in question are a number of under construction homes, and barns in the village.

Qabha called on human rights groups to visit the village and support the residents who are suffering ongoing violations and abuse by the Israeli occupation.

He added that the army has recently stepped-up its security measures at the Barta’a roadblock, and that the soldiers are repeatedly humiliating and abusing he residents.

Qabha stated that the soldiers held and detained dozens of residents in special rooms at the roadblock, and kept them there for several hours.