Prime Minister of the dissolved Hamas-led government in Gaza, Ismail Haniyya, called Tuesday on Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, to visit the Gaza Strip and initiate comprehensive unity talks.Haniyya said that his government supports the youth movements’ call for national unity based on reconciliation and transparency.

Talking to crowds of peaceful protestors in Gaza, Haniyya addressed Abbas and his Fatah movement asking them to start talks to discuss all related issues that are obstructing reconciliation and unity.

He said that his government supports the demands of the youths movement, and is willing to cooperate with al segments of the Palestinian society in order to ensure unity is achieved.

Haniyya further stated that the internal Palestinian divisions were caused by meddling conducted by what he called “external parties and pressures that aim at keeping the Palestinians divided and weak in order to weaken their legitimate cause among the international community”.

The Hamas leader also said that several Palestinian leaders in the West Bank lack an independent political stance, and that those leaders fear reconciliation and political partnership, as such a partnership jeopardizes their personal interests and agendas.

“We are calling for national unity, a comprehensive dialogue”, Haniyya said, “The people want the Palestinian Liberation Organization reformed, they want the reconstruction of Gaza, ending the siege, they want a national unity government and a national council”.